Returns Policy

Returns Policy

To be eligible for a refund, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

If for any reason you are not entirely happy with your purchase you may cancel your order by contacting me within 14 working days, beginning from the day you received the item/s.  You will need to include your name and order number in your email. 

After informing us of your wish to cancel, please return the item/s within 14 days to the address supplied. Item/s should be returned in the same condition that you received them. Please use the original packaging or post items in packaging which sufficiently protects the returned goods from damage.

Once your return is received and inspected, we will arrange a refund for you within 14 days.

If you are a Book Club Subscriber and tell us you wish to cancel future orders, your subscription(s) will be cancelled within 2 working days. You will not be refunded for any books previously shipped unless you have also previously arranged a return for these items. 

Unless the item is faulty or not as described, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item/s. Please retain your shipping receipt as proof of shipping

If the returned order is damaged, we reserve the right to levy a charge commensurate with that loss.



We can not offer like-for-like book exchanges as our second-hand stock is unpredictable. If you are a Book Club Subscriber and would prefer to avoid titles you have already read, please opt for our 'Pick Your Own' Subscription to select your own titles.


Faulty Items

Please note that all our books are pre-loved/used. We do our best to select books that are in fantastic second-hand condition, however there may be minor marks on the cover or pages. 

We aim for 'Like New', 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' condition which for us means only one or two imperfections on the book cover, spine, pages or dust cover (where relevant). 

Occasionally we compromise on condition a little where we think the title is of particular interest to our customers or of value.

Our individual book prices reflect the value of the book as well as its condition. 

If you feel your books are not as described, please contact me within 30 days with your name, order number, a description and photograph of the issue and whether you would like a refund or replacement.

Once inspected and if deemed not as described we will arrange for a refund or replacement item(s) to be sent.  If you opt for a replacement, we typically cannot offer like-for-like book exchanges so you will be required to choose an alternative title. 

We reserve the right to request that the faulty item(s) be returned.

We are unable to replace, or refund for, items that have been damaged accidentally after delivery.


Return Address

This will be provided to you following your request to return your item. 

I run my business from home so do not publish my address on the website in order to avoid customers visiting my home expecting to be able to browse a bookshop! One day I will open that 'in person' more about my exciting plans here


Contacting Us

Email me at:

Send me a message on Facebook Messenger